Happy Friday everyone! If you’re new to OA, we take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they leave us every week. Remember to follow us on Pinterest and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all Have a wonderful weekend!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
@Literarydaze @elizmar987 Yup. Scary. And banned in most parts of the world. 8 Reasons GMOs are Bad for You
- @Rosebud030 @OrganicAuthorit @Non_Toxic_Kids SO LAME!!! Spill it @Walmart !!!! What are u hiding?? Walmart Announces It Will Ban 10 Toxic Chemicals
- @blueavocado @OrganicAuthorit Yum, thanks for coming pic.twitter.com/AD2j9x8RZN
@laterjxn This people wholeheartedly agrees! RT @organicauthorit: People Agree: Red Lobster & Olive Garden Are Gross
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
Catherine Graham so sad that all these allergies are so widespread. I remember when I was young, we never heard of this. We all had peanut butter on our lunches. without worry. Kids’ Food Allergies Cost U.S. Nearly $25 Billion Per Year
- Chanda Johnson Which will lead to worse mental health due to malnutrition which will in turn generate more crime. Way to go gov’t! Yet, they seem to have plenty of funds to instigate and perpetuate a military presence and multiple conflicts [WARS] the world over. What gives???!!!!! House Slashes Food Stamps By $40 Billion, Millions Will Go Without
- Robert Oser Life is too short to eat bad food. Grow your own, eat whole foods, they taste better and are better for you. People Agree: Red Lobster & Olive Garden Are Gross
- Nicoal Cheri Olson They should do something… I’m amazed at what I find in their dumpster.. often thongs that don’t expire for a whole year and aren’t even open.. I don’t understand it! The Trader Joe’s Of Expired Food Will Open Next Year
- Perspi Cacity Organic bee keeping, releasing swarms, capturing swarms and integrating them in established bee yards, using Russian Queens actually makes native bee populations stronger in the North East. Chemical bee keeping and hobbyists are where there is harm being done. People buying Nucs with no training, no shadowing programs, no local resources … that kills bees. We have a local Farmers Market honey seller who feeds his bees sugar water all summer. This is the kind of problem the bees face, ignorance. Even those with good intentions are bee killers. Want to Save the Bees? Don’t Consider Beekeeping, Experts Say
See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!
The post Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (September 27, 2013) appeared first on organicauthority.com - Organic Living.